Trichromothrips fragilis Masumoto & Okajima, 2005
本種は本州~九州に広く分布し、台湾からも知られる。本種は関東地方では5~10月頃に、アオキやタブに多く見られ、おそらくこれらの植物が寄主植物と思われる。個体数が非常に多い時期には、他の2種のように近隣の寄主植物以外の植物でも観察できるが、個体数は少ないようである。インドから知られるT. nilgiricus (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939)は本種に非常に似るが、触角第3、4節の感覚錐や前翅の前縁脈刺毛がより短いこと等で識別できる。
This species is widely distributed in Honshu to Kyushu and Taiwan. In Kanto area of Honshu, Japan, many individuals of this species occur on leaves of Aucuba japonica and Machilus thunbergii in May to October. Probably this species feed on these plats but it is also found on nearby unrelated plants when it outbreaks as other Japanese two species. However, size of population of this species seems to be smaller than these two species. An Indian species, T. nilgiricus (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939) is very similar to this species but it can be distinguished from the later species by several character states such as antennal segments III and IV with shorter sense-cones, and fore wing costa with veinal setae shorter.
Female head and thorax